So yeah...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Story Information...

Ok, so here's the update on all of my stories.
1. A Monster's Reflection- 263 pgs (My pride!!!)
2. Rich Ransom- 254 pgs (The fun story)
3. The Cusack Adventures- 187 pgs (The adventurous one)
4. State Of Mind- 108 pgs (The serious one I just finished, December 14, 2006)
5. Slave Girl- 98 pgs (The first one I did.)
6. Returning Home- 82 pgs (Eh, it's ok)
7. Death Is The Beginning- 54 pgs (My second story)
8. Fallen Angel- 50 pgs (My short story)
9. Immortality- 48 pgs (One of the originals)
Working On:
1. Beaten......yeah, I'm still working on it
2. Sweet Home, chicago......I just started it today on the train ride to Chicgo
3. The Cusack Adventures: Caribbean Islands.......brain block
4. Obsessed......haven't worked on it in awhile
5. Beware The Man In Armour......a little project
So yeah.....then I have about 60 other stories I haven't even started on yet, so yeah. That's my update.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

OH YA.....IT'S A GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah, it's a good day cause at 10:45 p.m. today.....I finished writing my story State Of Mind in my notebook, so I'm gonna start typing it up tonight. Hell ya!!!! I love it!!! Longest one in my notebook yet...33 pgs in my notebook, but probably around 200 when I'm done typing it up. I don't think it's gonna be my longest story, and I think it's only long in my notebook cause I'm getting more detailed when I write in my notebook, so that's probably why. Anyways, I"m relaly excited and I just watsed 2 minutes of your time. haha. lol. jk. I'll talk to ya later.

Much Love...
